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Angela (안젤라) worked under Limo at Booroong Motors as the top researcher, and also attended Engineering School with Limo and Franklin. In her Booroong researcher days, she was overweight, but after picking up boxing, she shed all her weight; even Limo could not recognize her when she approaches him to propose they work in Booroong Motors again. [1]

After her true intentions are revealed, she is later hired by Mr. Towers to construct more robots for him.



Angela is very pretty, with a slim body and excellent figure. She holds herself with a somewhat shy air (at least when speaking to Limo about reviving Booroong Motors) but that changes when her true demeanor is shown, and from then on she holds herself with a regal, proud air, often shown with an "are you serious?" expression.

Angela wears a pinstriped blue button-up blouse tucked into her skirt, which is a very dark navy, almost black. She also wears black heels. In the beginning of season 4, she still keeps her skirt and heels but the blouse is now changed to be a pilot like shirt complete with a gold name tag and has a blue knot. Halfway through season 4, she now wore a brown polo along with pink and gold pants, she wore lipstick and sunglasses along with a light blue scarf.

Angela always has her brown hair tied into a ponytail (to this date, she has never been seen onscreen with her hair down), has tanned skin, and occasionally has a purse which hangs off her left shoulder. She is sometimes seen with a cup of coffee in her hand, always from the exact same brand. Angela has supermodel length legs.


Angela is a person who is easily irritable (especially when called fat). She's smart and rather quiet when working. Angela does not like to lose and finds Diluk annoying to the point of beating him up. She loves boxing and based a lot of her creations on that.


Mr. Towers[]

Angela did some formal dealing with Mr. Towers, but it is taken that she did not maintain communication after Mr. Towers' and Mr. Majeeko's sudden leave.

Diluk Octavius[]

Mr Holmes[]

Mr Majeeko[]

Limo Kwon[]

Robots created[]

Boxerbot, Drillerbot, Bulldozerbot, Power Ranger Bot.








External Links[]
