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Ogong-Nathan holding a wrench

❝ Don't you think this place is too small to work on W? ❞ [src]

This stub, "Coach Kook," is a few sentences or words long, please feel free to add your knowledge or even small details to this article!

HA ha HAA!
— Coach Kook, Nearly every episode ever

Kook Jongmin (Hangul: 국종민), commonly called as Coach Kook. He is rather first K's first pilot but then went over to Liam when he got kidnapped. Turning Liam as the new Tobot Pilot of K, but K has still the respect for Kook no matter what.

He addresses himself as the world's best coach and has a problem with pull and push doors. He teaches Taekwondo as his son, Liam also does.
