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King Fourtran

Tobot GD King Quatran

King Quatran is the combination of Air Hyde, Power Loader, Big Boss and Regent.


  • King Fortran
King Fortran was released as the second combiner to Tobot V's third season. An odd release, Fourtran follows the classic Tobot combiner formula and is the first Tobot V combiner other than those formed from the main three (Master V, Maximus V, and Titan V) to be designed this way. Also unlike prior Tobot V combiners, his head has a mouthplate. The toy itself is composed of an orange and blue Power Loader as the arms, a cerulean Regent as the torso, a yellow and red Big Boss as the legs, and a green Air Hyde as additional body mass. Like Titan V, King Fortran has a chest piece that converts into a handheld weapon, that being an axe. Unlike Titan V, Fortran's axe does not require additional components to assume weapon mode.


  • King Fortran held the least appearances of all Tobot Combiners, as he only appears in 2 episodes.