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❝ Don't you think this place is too small to work on W? ❞ [src]

This stub, "Liam Kook," is a few sentences or words long, please feel free to add your knowledge or even small details to this article!

Yo, my name is Liam, and I'm here to say — ah!... K!
— Liam, Beats and Battles

Kook Suho (Hangul: 국수호), also known as Liam in English Version is one of the main characters in the Season 4 of the Tobot Series. He is the pilot of Tobot K.


He is a tough Taekwondo kid who helped his father at his Taekwondo gym from an early age, and even teaches classes for younger students. He is usually quiet and shy, but is brave and bold when practicing Taekwondo. He also an affinity for rapping.


  • Liam learned Taekwondo from his father.
  • He was originally named Jackie in the Filipino English dub as evident by the foreign packaging for Tobot K.
  • He could be seen blushing at situations when he is upset or embarrassed (He was embarrassed and turned red when Ryan and Kory confronted him about his snoring problems. He turned red in the movie because he lost his father because of the robots)
  • He's quite a loud snorer, to the discomfort of Ryan, Kory and Dylan.




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