Mr. Towers (이사팔 이사/ Director Lee Sa-Pal) is the only person who owns shares of Chairman Wang's company as a non-family member, and holds an executive position in the company. He is an ambitious individual who is always looking for a way to take the throne. His ideologies conflicts with Mr. Holmes when he took over villain operations in Daedo City. He has 2 assistants, Diluk and Mr. Majeeko. In his last episode, Giga Bytes Back (also the last episode of the series) he is arrested with Mr. Majeeko, while Diluk, Mr. Holmes, Chairman Wang, and the Bikerbots escape.
Voice Actor: Lee Hyun/이현 (Korean), Paul Dobson (English)

Left: Mr. Towers.
Right: Space Mr. Towers.
- Mr. Towers bears heavy resemblance to Hwanjang from Biklonz. Both debuted in the original Korean dubs of their respective shows in 2014, and have a similar appearance and voice (the latter of which is due to both being voiced by Lee Hyun). In addition to that, both are fond of spicy food (to the dismay of their underlings) and break out into rage when things don't go as planned. Lastly, both villains were disposed of in their respective shows in late 2015, though Hwanjang suffered a far worse fate than Mr. Towers did.
- His appearance and mannerisms appear to be based on 이덕화/Lee Deok-Hwa.
- He also sports a mustache and beard like Tony Stark.