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Wang Sora (Korean: 왕소라), common known as Acnee (Korean: 아크니) is one of the main antagonist in the first and second season of Tobot. She used to be a schoolmate of Franklin and Limo.

She is the mysterious woman who employs Diluk to capture and destroy the Tobots. Her ultimate plan is to construct "Acneeland" over Daedo City. She gets defeated when she refuses to hold Franklin’s hand, truthfully in an effort to protect her old friend from danger as he tried to save her, and presumably falls to her death in Roots and Reboots.


Acnee is a tall woman with dark brown hair and brown eyes, she appears as a cat face icon for her earlier appearances, but reveals her face in Tails and Tailpipes. She wears a dark eye liner and usually wears a black and purple suit.

  • In Twins in Turbo, the 5th episode of the Tobot series, Acnee appears digitally as a cat face icon, and wants the blueprints to Tobot Zero. She offers Diluk $400,000,000 for them, but things go unplanned when the access is denied to Diluk. Acnee says she will still give Diluk the money, if he catches the other Tobots and bring them to her by 1 month. She gives Diluk the Bikerbots to assist him in order to get the Tobots. The Bikerbots terrorize the people to draw attention to the Tobots, but ultimately fail with the goal. Acnee is hardly fazed by this, as she says that them being powerful is very good, since they will soon be hers.
  • In Signs and Shortcuts, the 6th episode of the series, Acnee introduces Diluk to a black van. Diluk tries using it against the Tobots, but once again fails with the goal. Acnee then hands Diluk instructions on how to operate it when it transforms into a robot, which turns into Acbot, an updated version of the prototype Tobot Zero that has to be manually controlled. Acnee tells him to keep it in top condition until the next day, but Diluk doesn’t listen and does it straight away, the robot runs out of battery and ultimately loses to the Tobots once again.


  • She first appears digitally as a cat face to cover her identity and stays that way until Diluk fails for the umpteenth time.
  • She is the Main Antagonist from episodes 5 to 28 of the First Season and through episodes 1 to 8 of the Second Season.