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Dokgo Ondal (Hangul: 독고온달), also known as Timmy is one of the the main characters in the second season of Tobot: Daedo's Heroes and was a supporting character in Tobot. He is the younger brother of Nathan.

He is seen very supportive of the Tobots proving that he has trust and loyalty in the Tobots. He was never the pilot of a Tobot in the original series, but in Daedo's Heroes eventually helms the twins Hook and Jab and their combined form of Twin Punch.



(1-13 - Fueled Up Fakers)

Timmy had to have a heart surgery. However, it was postponed and rescheduled due to Timmy feeling unwell when the Tobots were arrested. He refused to eat his meal just because the Tobots were taken away.

Timmy was having lunch with Nathan when he had to dispatch for a fire emergency as Timmy sadly watched him leave. (2-23 Total Transformation)

Timmy was playing hide-and-seek with Nathan and hid in a stack of tires but Nathan left without announcing due to a Tobot emergency. Just as the runaway car crisis was resolved he texted "I hate you" to Nathan. (3-01 Fresh Start New Starts)

(3-15 - Fend Off Send Off)


(1-06A - Airtime Allies)

Daedo's Heroes[]



Timmy has fair skin with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wears a red and yellow shirt with purple pants and lilac boots. He also wears a blue hat. In later seasons, he instead wears a light green and white shirt with an anchor emblem on it, blue shorts, and grey sneakers. He also now wears a rust-coloured baseball cap with a monster face on it.


Timmy is a hyperactive child. He is a huge fan of the Tobots, and is often seen imitating the Tobots' moves. He has massive knowledge of the Tobots, which he prides himself on, using that as his reason to get people to vote for him to become Tobot W's pilot. He can be also seen as angry whenever things aren't what it's supposed to be.


  • Nathan : Timmy is Nathan's younger brother. Nathan practically raised Timmy, although sometimes Nathan gets too busy with pilot work and this leaves Timmy sometimes feeling neglected. He helped Nathan realize that his mistake was wrong by ignoring him. He's not very fond of stuff that displeases him (Nathan leaving him for his missions and not being able to talk to him a lot, Dolly taking W's Mind core.).
  • Tobot W :Timmy admires W and gets the occasional ride. W is also fond of Timmy and reminds Nathan when he forgets to feed Timmy.


  • He likes to play video games.
  • Timmy loves instant noodles, his favourite being 純 Soon Raymun (a spoof of Shin Ramyun).
  • Ondal's voice was pitch-adjusted due to puberty by the Korean Summer Special and 15th chapter, which is very apparent.


Daedo's Heroes[]



External Links[]
