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Tobot Wiki

Tobot D is a new Tobot made for Dolly, made from Mrs. Park's car. He has no offensive weapons, but his greatest skills lie in investigation and research. His Mind Core had some development issues at first, which gradually gets better, but D is left with elementary speech problems.



D is lime green and petite compared to the other Tobots. He looks somewhat like a little boy, with "sneakers" and a "hat". On his left shoulder, he has a red arrow mark to mark the place where he was shot by Dolly for restraining purposes. His mind core have the same color with W - Green, but it's lighter.


D often acts like a little brother to Dolly, and makes up for his lack of combat skills with his sleuthing abilities. He is bubbly, bouncy, loves games like peekaboo and hide-and-seek, and acts like a little child. Sometimes D is shy, but other times he is not afraid to put his input into the conversation.


D does not have many relationships, but here are the few that he does have:

  • Dolly Park: Dolly is like an older sister to D, and D loves her dearly. The feeling is mutual.
  • Norman Halls: When D was in incubation, his mind core was abused by Norman, which resulted in developmental issues. In the end, Dolly had to shoot him to restrain him. However, D is still scarred with speaking problems. Eventually, the two forgave each other (Norman for being jealous of the attention Dolly gave D, D for taking away Dolly's attention from Norman, which is actually kind of Dolly's fault).


  • Radar Dish: The nubs on his head extend upwards to reveal a pair of radar dishes.
  • Super Speed: D is quick on his feet and quite fast for a tobot, being able to evade Tobot Y, who was one of the fastest. Unlike Y, who runs in long strides, D runs in quick baby steps.
  • Holographic Projectors: D has an unlimited number of holographic projectors in the shape of his head, which can be used to cover escapes. Apart from holograms in his head he has a device (Looking like his head) that has holograms as well.
  • Agility: D has amazing agility being able to avoid obstacles in a split second. D's speed is the part the reason of this though.


  • Tobot D is the first Tobot whose Mind Core was tampered with by someone else, in this case Norman Halls, who constantly threw insults and scared it.
  • Tobot D is the only Tobot used to form Quatran that is used to form other Tobots, in its case the Deltatron and Giga 7.
  • D is the most youngest of all the Tobots (considering the fact that his Mind Core was lastly made and he acts like a child)




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