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Make way! For I-! am! Quatran!!
— Tobot Quatran (English dub)

Tobot Quatran (쿼트란) is an integrated Tobot made up of Tobots C, D, R & W. As the most majestic of the combiners, he has a double-layered voice and charges his opponents with tremendous force. He has the ability to release blazes of fire when he is fully charged up. Quatran was retired after Nathan, Timmy, and W left Daedo City. [1]




Quatran is a big bulky Tobot, taller than Tritan and stronger, he has giant shoulder pads and big hands to bash and smash his enemies. He has a build of a strong man. He also looks bigger than Deltatron, but mostly because of his giant shoulder pads. He has 4 Components Which are D,W,R and C.

W is the main body and upper-torso,with the only difference to his car form is the purple sliding into orange. The bottom doors which disclude the windows flap down and orange slots come out that C and D slide into. He is flipped and the Orange roof becomes back kibble as a blocky torso folds out and a little slide is put in place to prevent the torso folding back in. He also houses the head of quatran. Gray Scaled C and Greenish Off blue D comprise the big arms, both splitting in half to make the arms and shoulders respectively with the hands folding out of the front of the cars. The trunks also fold up with D's doing an extra fold with it being taller to make room for the arms connecting system to slide into W's slots. R comprises the legs becoming a maroonish colour with alongside W's white flow through out Quatran. HIs front becomes a butt flap as sides fold onto the leg also acting as stilts. The legs are the back of R. The Feet are R's knees. QR and silver along with Danger colours feature on R.


Quatran acts more or less like a brute, in which he stomps and smashes.


Nathan, Dolly, Officer Oh, and Neon: Quatran has a bond with all of his pilots, but he has a tight bond with Nathan considering he is the leader of the group.


Quatran is even stronger than Tritan, despite slower

Quatran's moves are mainly based on wrestling, and thus a number of them involve attacking enemies while they are in his grasp.

In addition, as there are four pilots, Quatran's commands are usually started by a designated leader, and then followed by the other three.

Quatran's moveset is as follows:

  • Dash/되치기 (lit "Counter"/"Backstroke"/something along those lines): While grabbing the enemy, Quatran uses both his and the enemy's momentum to charge into something that would generally deliver damage to his target. A standard wrestling counter would usually involve piledriving the opponent into the ground, but Quatran seemed to prefer throwing the Centipede into a wall.
  • Shoulder Throw/업어 던지기 (lit "Lift and Throw") : Quatran grabs his opponent, slings it over his shoulder, and slams it into the ground with a devastating throwing technique.
  • Seismic Stomp/백두대간 : Quatran stomps and sends shockwaves through the ground, causing a rippling effect that stops enemies in their tracks.
  • Furnace/용광로 (lit "Blast Furnace") : The finishing move of Quatran. Quatran engulfs himself in explosive flames, burning up any enemies in his way or frees him from anything restrain him. The move can also be used defensively if the situation calls for it. The earlier Philippine English Dub referred to the move as Inferno.
  • 들배지기: A move that showed up once in Tobot: Zero Story. Quatran lifts up his target and slams him headfirst into the ground, temporarily shutting him down and delivering the finishing blow of the webtoon's climax.


Quatran toy
  • Tobot Quatran (2013)
    • Accessories: stickers
The third combiner release in the Tobot line, Tobot Quatran is made up of an orange-roofed Tobt W as the torso, a mint green Tobot D as the right arm, a gunmetal and white Tobot C as the left arm, and a white and dark red Tobot R as the legs. This toy has a swivel head, sideways splits, knees, shoulders, and inward-bending elbows, but lacks forward hip joints. The locking joints in the arms over time may become notoriously difficult to forcibly move.
Quatran KR EN packaging

Quatran Black Edition box
  • Quatran Black Edition (2015)
A limited-edition black-and-gold redeco.
Mini Quatran box
  • Mini Quatran
A simplified, scaled-down version available in foreign markets, but was also imported to Korea circa 2018.
Mini Quatran alt

  • Gold Quatran Last Edition (2019)
    • Accessories: stickers
Gold Quatran
Commemorating the franchise's 10th anniversary, Gold Quatran is a metallic gold repaint of the original Quatran toy, as a final release of the mold before retiring it worldwide. In particular, Tobot W has "Quatran Last Edition" tampographed in reflective gold on its car roof.




  • Coincidentally, Quatran's assembly is similar to Ultra Bee, from the Combiner Force rebranding of Tranformers: Robots in Disguise.


  • Quatran is the only integrated Tobot from the original storyline not to feature X, Y, or Z as part of his structure, and the only integrated form to feature, C, R and W (pre-Daedos Heroes.).
  • Tobot D is the only component of Quatran to be featured in other integrated forms, those being Deltatron and Giga 7.
  • Starting with Quatran, Are You Up For It by Aleksandar Dimitrijevic is used in the background when a combination is used. This soundtrack is only used on modern combiners, as Titan and Tritan use their original soundtrack.
  • Quatran eventually retired after Nathan and W moved to a new house.
  • His Hand is perculiar in the fact alongside Seven, He does not have the regular Tobot hand style.


Quatran Integration



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