“ | For as long as I have moving parts, I will never, ever, leave your side. | ” |
— Tobot X, Merging of Minds
Tobot X is one of the first Tobots created by Franklin Char and also Ryan's guardian robot. He normally assumes the shape of a car, but when activated with his Tokey, he transforms into a robot. He may be slower than Tobot Y, but his strengths are physical strength, loyalty, and perseverance.
X is a kind hearted tobot who looks out for his friends and pilots. He acts like an old wise man to the rest of the other tobots. When X is on battle, he puts his strength to good use.
As a car, X's original appearance was that of a orange Kia Soul model, with the Tokey slot near the middle of his headlights with a strong structure. X was also able to use his wheels as skates to glide through the road. In X's evolution upgrade, X has a more bulky build with the traditional hood chest still intact. His orange is much richer and deeper as well as having giant heels. X was also able to use his wheels as skates in his evolution upgrade, however it was only seen once for about less than 5 minutes. The last thing in X's evolution upgrade that was changed is that the Tokey slot is now in his cape located in his back. In X's adventure upgrade, he became more of a Forest explorer without the strong build anymore. X received major changes such as the back of the Kia Soul being his chest and having an X belt. His feet seem to resemble explorer shoes with them being Black and slightly dirty. The orange is much deeper and having a spare tire in one his arms. In Daedo's Heroes, X is no longer a Kia Soul, but a Hyundai Ioniq 5, while he retains features from all 3 of his modes, he most resembles his original and Evolution mode with a sleek strong guy build, while being a bit bulky in the upper parts of his body. His outer car parts seem to be a light peach orange color while his robot parts still contain his original orange, as seen in the show, X, along with all the old and new tobots except for the Rescue Crew, can exit their robot forms as chibi little modes that are the same size as humans which allow them to interact with their pilots while their bodies are being repaired or out of service. It also contains his mindcore which is still relatively the same as what it used to be.
- Original: Kia Soul 1st Generation
- Adventure: Kia Soul 2nd Generation
- Daedo's Heroes form: Hyundai Ioniq 5[1]
- Ryan: X acts like a father figure to Ryan. Always looking out for him and protecting him from any harm. Just like a father, X always wants to look out for Ryan whenever he is doing things that hinder his life.
- Kory: X and Kory don't really have interactions with each other but just like Ryan, X looks out for Kory as well whenever both he in Ryan are in danger.
- Y:X views Y as a brother,due to them being built around the same time and incubated by the twins. Although,sometimes the different personalities clash.They also share some copolymers which include: Titan, Tritan and Giga 7.
Tobot X would later receive an Power up called Great Tobot X, then an Evolution, then an Adventure upgrade. In his original form, he can combine with other Tobots to form Tobot Titan or Tobot Tritan, and in his Adventure form, he forms part of Tobot Deltatron or Giga 7
X is known for his power, in contrast to Tobot Y's speed. As such, his attack prefix is "Power".
In his original form, X's main weapon was the Proton Charger/파워 리볼버 (lit "Power Revolver"), a (presumably six-barrel) energy cannon. Though he became weaponless after his Evolution upgrade, he was given the Power Toolkit in his Adventure upgrade, fitting him with an axe, a shovel (which has so far never been useful), and a grappling hook.
- Green Energy Blast: X's only attack move in his original form and Great Tobot X mode. X fires an energy orb at the opponent with the Proton Charger; however his limited supply of Green Energy means that the move can only be used a limited amount of times before he reverts out of Great mode and/or the Proton Charger retracts.
- Green Capture: X fires a laser beam that encapsules his target in an energy sphere. Though the move was exclusive to around two episodes, Tobot T's Terra Storm has a similar purpose.
- Power Shield: Seemingly exclusive to the Evolution upgrade, X forms an energy barrier around himself and his allies. It's similar to Tritan's Shield-On and Y's Sonic Shield.
- Power Throw/파워 해머 (lit "Power Hammer"): A one-use attack in the old show and once in the new show which X throws an enemy hammer throw style.
- Scissor Kick/파워 시저스 (lit "Power Scissors"): X's new attack in his Adventure upgrade. X jumps forward, grabs his target's neck with his legs, and throws it with immense strength.
- Power Spike: Added in his rebuild in the sequel series; X jumps to great heights and pounds the target as if serving a volleyball. This is typically used in conjunction with Tobot Y's Sonic Spin, boosting the capabilities of said attack.
- Power Sonic Twister: Y does a handstand on X's shoulders before spreading his legs, with both Tobots spinning rapidly to generate a vortex that traps opponents that get too close.
- Power Screw Punch: X rapidly spins his fists to generate momentum before hitting the opponent fast and hard.
“ | ” | |
— X, Machine Mania (Korean)
“ | ” | |
— X, Machine Mania (English)
Main article: Tobot X/Toys
- Tobot X has been upgraded more times than any other Tobot, as he has been upgraded three times.
- He's most likely the oldest (if we're not counting Zero).
- His original toy had alot of QC issues leading to a smaller toy to be issued in foreign retail markets.
- He has appeared in the most Copolymers,which include: Titan, Tritan, Deltatron and Giga 7.
Daedo's Heroes[]
- ↑ X's Evolution form has the original design.
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