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Tobot Z is the Tobot given to Dylan by his father Limo. Using his advantages as an SUV, he can trek up mountainous terrains, in addition to other rough roads. He can combine with Tobot X and Tobot Y to form Tobot Tritan. In Tobot: Daedo's Heroes, Han became his new co-pilot, along with Dylan.



Tobot Z is most remarkable for his red colour, which he shares with R. Indeed, when in Mindcore mode, the mindcores are barely distinguishable, and are only such because Z's is more orangey than R's. In the original, Z is black, red, blue, and gray. Adventure Z is red, dark gray, and white, losing his light gray and blue colouring.

As Adventure form, he continues to boast his SUV features, which include amphibious capabilities, and his ease in maneuvering mountainous and rough terrains. He can combine with other Tobots to form Tobot Deltatron or Giga 7.


Z is very faithful and loyal to his pilot, Dylan, and trusts him entirely. Z is also somewhat sensitive and is honest to the point of where it might be a little dangerous. Z is shown to have less of a link to Dylan than X and Ryan of Y and Kory have, however, only being able to communicate with Dylan through the Tokey, unlike X, who is shown to still obey commands even after Diluk covers the Tokey with his hand. This probably has something to with the fact that Dylan's Tokey is constructed differently than all other Tokeys in the show and that Z was incubated by Limo, not Dylan. However, Z's emotional link to Dylan is probably stronger than most Tobots. He is shown to "cry" when Dylan "insulted" him, even when the other Tobots assured him it was not real. Z also "cried" when Dylan injured his foot and had to stay in the hospital. The way Z makes a sentence is very unique. After every sentence in the Korean and Philippine English dub, Z would always end his sentence by saying "That's what I heard" or "That's what I said." In the new Daedo's Heroes series, Z's relationship with Dylan would be tested by the arrival of Han, a new neighbor who somehow got ahold of communication with Z. The two would begin to talk until Z would drive Han out one night, and the next day, Z tried to transform but disabled himself. Limo reactivated Z and Dylan gave him and Han a stern talk, going as far as making Han cry, however Z would develop a bond with Han and Dylan had to learn to share his own tobot with another pilot, now Z, stronger with his two pilots, acts confident and strong.


  • Dylan: As said above, Z has an unmatched emotional tie to Dylan, no doubt because he was incubated by Limo and inherited some of Limo's traits, like Limo's strong love for Dylan. However, Dylan did not know of Z's existence until a whopping estimation of 3 years after Z's Mind Core was put into the body. Even though Ryan and Kory forgot about X and Y until they were older, they still had interaction with the Mind Cores, knowing they existed. The two almost immediately knew of X and Y after the Mind Cores were put into the bodies. However, this is just estimation. Dr. Franklin could have put in the Mind Cores anywhere between the span of 8 years, and Limo could have put in the Mind Core anywhere between the span of him becoming corrupted to him arrested, roughly two or three years.
  • Tobot X & Tobot Y: Like their pilots, Z was not with X and Y when the mind core was first activated, however they were always live together[1] afterwards and integrated into Tritan.
  • Limo: Limo single-handedly incubated Z, built his body, the Tokey, built the Mind Core, built the AI, and did the programming, a real feat if you take into consideration that he was also raising his recovering-from-surgery son at the time, while Franklin had the help of his wife to look over the children. Z inherited some of Limo's traits, such as being a hard worker, a certain determination, sometimes overthinking things, and most of all, his undying love for Dylan.


Tobot Z can reach up to 3,000 meters in altitude (about 9,840 feet) and 90 degrees latitude. In robot mode, the same altitudes can be achieved by jumping.

Z's main weapon is his Spider Gun (unnamed in the English dub), which mainly fires rubber band-shaped projectiles that wrap their targets in neon-green spider webs (this attack itself is called the Spider Blast in the English dub). The Spider Gun is kept in his Adventure upgrade, but he also uses the Spider Yo-Yo, which is mostly self-explanatory except for its high bludgeoning power, ricocheting potential, and usefulness as a grappling hook.

Z's moveset is as follows:

  • Spider Kick : Z delivers a side kick at the enemy, but the foot is charged with green energy before the impact. After his adventure upgrade, Z uses the natural power boost of adventure mode instead of the spider energy.
  • Spider Mode : Z's gear stick pulls into "D" and allows him to drive up walls; he's also been shown to be able to climb walls in robot mode. If needed, Z can activate a Turbo Boost to increase his speed, which fires booster flames from his exhaust pipes.
  • Laser Net : Z fires a green energy net from his chest; this net can either close in on its target while still stuck to Z, or separate to act as an actual net. In the Adventure upgrade, due to the loss of the circular Laser Net launcher on Z's chest, the attack is used from the Spider Gun.
  • Spider Glue: A new projectile added to the Spider Gun in Z's Adventure upgrade. This sticky adhesive prevents targets from leaving the general radius of the attack.
  • Spider Strike or "Spider Punch": Z throws a powerful energy uppercut; it's strong enough to one-hit knockout its target, if performed correctly.
  • Spider Yoyo: Adventure Z's additional attack equipment.
  • Turbo boost: Z generates strong propulsion momentarily and accelerates rapidly.
  • Laser Jump Rope: Joint plane with X and Y. X and Y grab and turn one laser jump rope summoned by Z, and Z summons a second laser jump rope and spins it. Z jumps quickly with two ropes, generates energy through the effect, and then rushes towards the opponent.


Main article: Tobot Z/Toys


  • Z is the only Tobot built by Limo solo, not counting Tobot Zero, as Zero's mind core was programmed by both Franklin and Limo.
    • Z is also the only successful Tobot Limo built solo. It is quite a feat if you consider his mental state, recovering son, and limited resources.
  • Z is the only shown Tobot to "cry" twice, along with Y.
  • Z's main theme color is Red, however, sometimes the series show green as his alternate theme color, like his logo after transform.
  • Z is the first singular Tobot to have two pilots, gaining Han as his second in the sequel series.
    • Currently, Z can only transform when both pilots use Tophone.[2]
  • Surprisingly, he had changed out his catchphase with "Got it, I think," changing his attitude with the corruption that Nathan installed[3]
  • In car form, he is a Kia Sportage in his original built, then a Kia Sorento in his adventure upgrade, and finally moving on from the SUV to the minivan in the sequel Daedo's Heroes as a Hyundai Staria.


Daedo's Heroes[]



  1. When Dylan moved in with Franklin because Limo was imprisoned. In season 2 and Daedo's Heroes, their houses were next to each other and often in the base.
  2. Since S1E7: Merging Lanes and Souped Up Scoundrels (Tobot: Daedo's Heroes)
  3. S1E14: Hot Rods and Heroes (Original)

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